Welcome to runFAR!

A white wooden sign features the word "welcome" in black script in front of the blurred background of a tea kettle on a cozy table.

Here we are, folks - the kick-off blog for runFAR! If you’ve landed here, chances are that you’re finding this site in its early days, and for that, I’d like to thank you. Thank you for joining me in this journey and for your patience as I build up the site and navigate this process. Let’s goooo!

What Can You Expect from runFAR?

runFAR is an inclusive running blog that specializes in topics for any runners who are outside that standard stereotype of a runner. We all know that stereotypical image that comes to mind when we picture a runner: very slender, able-bodied, early bird, 6-minute mile time, you know the drill.

The simple truth is that the running community is far more diverse than those stereotypes lead us to believe, and there are so many topics and tips that aren’t talked about often because they don’t apply to that stereotypical runner. Well, you’ve found the place where those topics are the priority!

On this site, I’ll be talking about a wide range of running topics, including topics that are relevant to all runners, but with a special emphasis on topics for the wider, diverse running community, such as:

  • Runners with disabilities

  • Runners in bigger bodies

  • Beginner runners

  • Slow runners

  • Runners with chronic illnesses

  • Older runners

  • Runners with demanding or nontraditional jobs and lifestyles

This isn’t a comprehensive list by any means, but you get the drift. This is a place for all runners to learn more about the sport in ways that apply to them, including people who don’t often see themselves represented or see their needs discussed in most running media.

What is runFAR’s Mission?

Before I started running for health benefits, I had never given a thought to running for enjoyment or running races. This was partially because I thought I hated running (as many of us do growing up) but partially because I always thought running was for athletic people who were, you know…good at running. I just thought, “That’s an activity for other types of people, that isn’t meant for me.” When I started falling in love with the sport, though, I noticed that the running community is way more diverse than I thought. Imposter syndrome be damned - if you run, you’re a runner!

runFAR is all about making more people feel welcome as an equal part of the running community as BQ Becky and Marathon Mark. It’s also about sharing resources and information that makes running more accessible and safer for people with a wide range of bodies and circumstances.

Once again, thank you for joining me and for being a part of the mission to welcome more people to an inclusive running community!


Unique Challenges of Being an Overweight Runner